Winter 2019 Cloud Bootcamp

· 5 min read
Winter 2019 Cloud Bootcamp
2019-01-21 - Introduction and definition of cloud computing

Topics covered:

* definition
  * notes:
* key characteristics
  * notes:

* deployment models
* service models
    * saas
    * iaas
    * paas
2019-01-23 - ssh-keygen authorized_keys known_hosts, storage - disks, NAS, object storage, archival storage, DNS concepts, DNS system, BIND, Name Servers, Name Services, ICANN

Topics covered:

* compute
* storage
* network
2019-01-25 - static sites without servers, site generators, octopress, ruby, gems, bundler, Gemfile, preview locally, s3cmd, AWS access key and secret key, security, IAM, editing and generating site public html/css/js files, s3cmd create bucket, s3cmd sync public folder to a bucket, s3cmd ws-create to create a static site using the bucket, Using custom domain names with static sites, bi-directional handshake - bucket naming needs to match the intended name of the domain and assign a CNAME to the site representation of the bucket after ws-create. Content delivery networks, hit, miss, invalidation, points of presence.

Topics covered:

* AWS S3
* octopress

* related notes:
2019-01-28 - clarify bucket based static site setup at, email system on your own domain with proper SPF and DKIM selector setup.
2019-01-30 - Create and use a virtual private cloud from scratch

* related notes:
2019-02-01 - HA scenarios, availability zones, load balancer, git intro.
2019-02-04 - git, github, building a rails app and deploying on heroku PaaS
2019-02-06 devops, goal book, idempotence, concepts, chef, chef 1st run.
2019-02-08 Understanding chef concepts while doing chef-solo exercises.
2019-02-11 Using Chef with Chef Server
2019-02-13 Marathon Chef exercise
2019-02-16 Separation of concerns - two machines - one running webserver - other running db server

Topics covered:

* Chef Wordpress deployment exercise.
2019-02-18 Intro to Docker - port mapping, volume mapping, Dockerfile, push, pull, run, exec
2019-02-20 Docker - in depth - port mapping, volume mapping, Docker compose - Wordpress stack.
2019-02-22 Docker - in depth - tv in docker, Dockerfile, docker-compose, multiple containers behind a reverse proxy.
2019-02-25 Dockerfiles exercise in the cloud. SSL - end to end TLS encryption - Let's encrypt, nginx proxy, LE companion, self signed certs leads to fake/snake oil certs - ok for use with test but invalid for production use. Ansible intro. Ansible adhoc examples. Ansible first run exercise.
2019-02-27 Ansible first run exercise. Security/hardening exercise using Ansible. Setting up the infrastructure to use containers using ansible role from ansible galaxy.
2019-03-01 Setting up the infrastructure to use containers using ansible role from ansible galaxy. Intro to Kubernetes. Understanding Kubernetes with live examples.
2019-03-04 Kubernetes deep dive with load balancer, public facing static ip, nginx-ingress, ingress resources, services, deployment, pods, and containers with live examples.
2019-03-06 Netflix case discussion.
2019-03-08 streaming media discussion - live streaming exercise
streaming sources such as 1) larix broadcaster on iphone, 2) ffmpeg, 3) zoom meeting -> streaming to restreamer using nginx rtmp - scaling rtmp streaming using a CDN, cloudformation example - terraform ntier exercise
2019-03-11 terraform ntier exercise end to end run in amazon cloud. Terraform Kubernetes exercise in Digital Ocean cloud.
2019-03-13 VPN exercise using terraform in AWS cloud. Terraform Kubernetes exercise in google cloud.
2019-03-15 Backup and restore live kubernetes services, files and database dump. Comparison of a variety of services offered by AWS, Google, Azure and others.